"... Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  (Joshua 1:9)

​​​​One Day Closer Ministries . . .



(Matt 18: 12-14)

'Ignite Your Legacy'Girls Conference 2019 Featured 'Riley Clemmons!'

'Ignite Your Legacy' Girls Conference 2025!
(Event Details - IgniteYourLegacy.org)

IYL '23 ... That's A Wrap!

'Ignite Your Legacy' Girls Conference 2020 Featured BLANCA!'

Featuring the popular Christian group. . .


500+ Attendees | 90+ Churches Represented | 50 Volunteers = ONE AMAZING GOD!


Would you, your business, or your church like to PARTNER with us for the 2025 girls conference?  
Contact:  Becky@onedaycloser.net or 903.360.4674

Early Years of the IYL Girls Conference

Click Here for a 2 minute video of the 2020 Conference!


2023 Conference Highlights!

The IGNITE YOUR LEGACY Girls Conference is a powerful event, full of energy and excitement as we encourage young ladies (Grades 6th - 12th), to leave a legacy that ignites and inspires others to be a follower of Jesus. Our desire is for all young ladies to recognize their value as a special individual created to have a unique and divine purpose.

Our goal is that every young lady attending the event will leave changed!  That each will:

  1.  -- Know Jesus as their Lord and Savior
  2.  -- Feel valued
  3.  -- Accept they are unique and special
  4.  -- Understand they were created for a purpose
  5.  -- Believe they are equipped to complete life changing tasks
  6.  -- Know the confidence that comes through being courageous when
        faced with difficult choices
  7.  -- Experience encouragement during the difficult seasons of peer pressure
  8.  -- Become energized to share the good news of being a follower of Jesus
  9.  -- Accept the rewards and blessings God has for all who make that choice