"... Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  (Joshua 1:9)

​​​​One Day Closer Ministries . . .

Tammy Daniel
Tammy works full-time for Texas Oncology and spends her free time helping with events and merchandise for the ministry. Tammy is Becky's baby sister and is the bonus mom to her two nieces, Shelbi and Skylar. 

Tammy is the mom of three beautiful daughters:  Courtney, Kelsey, and Keeley and recently had an add-on to the family as she gained a son-in-law, Kolt.

Tammy loves spending her time with family and friends and especially with an adorable little human named 'Corlee,' who calls her 'Gammy!'.

Becky Carpenter
Founder | President ODC Ministries

Director of Merchandise

A Tribute to Skylar Created by Her Sister, Shelbi
Snapshot of Skylar

David Carpenter
Although working in a corporate position occupies much of Davids time, his thoughts, focus and priorities are that of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ at every opportunity. David's message to 'dad's' and other men is powerful, yet tender. His ability to share his heart is transparent and emotional.  However, the message is clear.  The message of the true power of grace through having a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.  

David loves the outdoors and spends his free time in the woods or on the lake.  When asked the secret of raising children who put Jesus first, his response:

"I put the pole in their hand that already had the fish on it..."


Shelbi Carpenter Korzeniewski
As a 2013 graduate of Texas A&M University, Shelbi's love for helping children has been her passion since she was a teen. That passion was evident as she held leadership positions at church camps, camps for children facing tragedies, camps working with students with special needs, teaching VBS and DNOW as well as other faith based events.  

Graduating magna cum laude from Texas A&M University with a BS degree in psychology (and a K-6 teaching certification,) Shelbi has a Master's degree with a 4.0 in Social Work.

Shelbi's ambition to change the circumstances of ALL children has led her in the field of education as she is in her 11th year of teaching as a kinder teacher.  She wants to ensure that a healthy, loving and Jesus focused environment is evident in all areas of the lives of children.  Her passion is reflective in her professional career as a teacher, her hobbies volunteering and certainly in her project planning for One Day Closer Ministries.  

Shelbi is married to Matt Korzeniewski, who is also a Kingdom builder as he has been in ministry for several years, serving as a pastor.  Matt and Shelbi are the parents to 4 children: Audy, Macy, Carter, and Haizley

Shelbi also has the gift of writing as you will find her expressions of her journey as she posts on the 'In Loving Memory of Skylar Carpenter' Facebook page.  Shelbi touches hearts and reaches people on a deep level as she shares her heart as the 'big sister' of Skylar and how to find HOPE through tragedy.

Sharing His Love

Meeting spiritual needs while assisting in the physical and emotional needs of others.

John 13:34-35


We go where God is working and help.  Locally, nationally or internationally.

​Matthew 28:19-20

mission & vision

 "Sharing the message that will change the world."   Partnering with other Kingdom builders.  We will change the world . . .together. . . one person at a time.

​1 Chronicles 29:11-13

director of special projects

     One Day Closer Ministries is God's ministry.  We simply want to be used in a way that is pleasing to Him, that yields to His plan, and that brings honor and glory to His kingdom.  

     After the death of my daughter, nights were the hardest. The longing to be with Skylar was paralyzing.  My prayers became as simple as "HELP ME JESUS!"  He always did.

     Although I've been a Christian for many years, I guess I never really understood 'grace' until it covered me with indescribable comfort and peace throughout our tragedy.  After making it through those long nights, my morning prayer was also simple.  "Thank you Jesus...for bringing me one day closer to being reunited with Skylar."  

     Now, 6 years later, His grace continues to cover our family.  He continues to embrace our broken hearts every day.  I still anticipate our reunion with anxious excitement, however, my simple prayer has now taken on a meaning of perseverance and PURPOSE for 'this life.'  It is "... thank you, Jesus, for bringing me one day closer to being the person You need me to be...now...for Your Kingdom." (Romans 5:3-4)
